How Being (vs Doing) Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

 In For Leaders, Personal Transitions, Resolving Regrets, Tools & Resources

After sixteen years of coaching and working with hundreds of clients, I believe one of the most profound impacts we can have on ourselves and each other is to become aware of the power of our language to create the world we want to live in.

Aldous Huxley said, “words form the thread on which we string our experiences.”

We are constantly in a conversation with ourselves and others. Those threads of language can literally expand or limit our vision of what is possible. In his new book, Self:  The Vast World Behind Your Wordsmy friend and colleague, Joel Kimmel teaches how to become an observer of language so we can make the contribution we came here to make.  

What Should I Do Next?

If you are like most people in transition—changing careers, moving, or ending a relationship—you probably begin by asking yourself:  “What should I DO next?”  In a recent conversation with Joel, which we share below for your listening pleasure, Joel offers a better question, one that allows a shift from Doing to Being.

The act of Being is often confused with magical thinking, but Joel is a man of action who has accomplished a great deal in his life.   An expert in ontological design, he has extensive experience leading corporate trainings, consulting on problem-solving, team intervention, and coaching individuals on personal performance.

Learn more about his work at

Highlights from this 25-minute conversation:

3:00 – Joel explains the philosophy of ontological design and how it impacts us.

5:40 – Joel introduces a simple question that can move us from Doing to Being as we become an “observer of language.”

13:00 –Since we are always living in language, how can we listen in a new way to both the ‘little voice’ and the ‘bigger voices’ that live within us?  

18:00 – Staying true to the current Departure Lounge theme of what we learn from our biggest regrets, Joel speaks about a serious skiing accident he endured years ago that threatened his ability to walk. Inspiring stuff!

I hope you enjoy this conversation. What have you learned about the power of language to shape your experiences?   What you have learned from some of your biggest regrets? I’d love to hear from you below or on our Facebook Page.